In my dream, some friends and I had been eating at the cafeteria of a school--perhaps a university. As we headed to class, I ended up taking an elevator up a floor or two with just my wife. She was wearing high heels, and was thus taller than me. So she switched to flatter shoes, and gave me a pair of leather shoes with a bit of a heel on them to change into, which were made in Brasil.We got out of the elevator (I had to hold the doors to keep them from closing on her) and headed to class. As we went, I did a little Bart Simpson dance saying "now I'm ready for Carnival!"

Outside the classroom, some others caught up to us, but nobody went in. We had a substitute or new teacher that day. He arrived and asked everyone to go into the classroom, but either only I did (though I tried to get the others to come too), or everyone else came in briefly but left again. So he just started his lecture with only me there.

The lecture had something to do with particle physics. He said there were two basic particle--gluons (I think) and something like trionons (though I doubt that was exactly it). He said that all the different types of quarks were made of these. I believe he said there were something liek 54 different types of quarks.