In my dream, it was night, and I was coming down a steep, snowy mountain side with fairly thick underbrush. There was a sort of a path leading straight down, and sliding down it, I came to the edge of a frozen-over lake.Someone else who I knew had preceeded me down, and as I looked back up the mountain side, I saw him flash his flashlight quickly at me to let me know where he was. We were trying to hide from someone (though the situation did not feel particularly dangerous), so he turned his light off immediately. I climbed up through the brush to the place where I'd seen the light. I'm not sure whether anyone was there when I arrived or not.

I looked back toward the path I'd come down earlier and saw one of my elder brothers come down the path, go out onto the lake, and fall through the ice a little way out. As I was looking at the hole he'd fallen through, wondering whether it would be possible to get out to him without falling through myself, he came back to the shore, easily breaking the ice in front of him as he went. When he got to where I was, he didn't even seem to be wet or cold. I noticed that he was wearing one of the coats that was in the uniform for the volunteers at the Salt Lake City 2002 Winter Olympics. He had not been a volunteer, but I and one of my brothers and his wife had, so I thought it a little odd that he'd have the coat. (He was wearing a "mountain shadow", a.k.a. blue, a.k.a. purple coat, in case anyone wants to know).