Stopping spam once the floodgates are open is much more difficult than keeping it from starting in the first place. How does one avoid getting their email address into the hands of spammers? Only show your email address to people who need it. Email is useless if no one knows your address, but it also becomes less useful if too many people know it. Don't post your email address where it will be visible to whoever visits your website.

If you want people who don't know you to be able to send you messages, set up a feedback form which doesn't reveal your email address. Make sure the feedback form doesn't include your email address hidden in the HTML, because that doesn't really hide it. If your email address is ever included in anything that is sent to the web browser, spammers will find it.

Sometimes, though rarely, spammers will go through the trouble of sending you a message using your feedback form. Don't respond, or you'll reveal your email address. Don't worry that failing to respond is bad manners. Anyone who sends you spam has already put an end to good manners between you. Be practical. Remain silent.

Keeping your email address as private as possible is the probably best way to avoid getting spam.