Tim Bray writes that "the IESG has approved the creation of the 'AtomPub Working Group'". While this doesn't technically finalize the decision over whether to go to the IETF, the general consensus seems to be that that's where we want to go, and I imagine we'll do so without further discussion. Thanks to the W3C for their offer to make a home for Atom there.

So, will Dave Winer reiterate his offer to take RSS to the W3C? Will people who'd like to see that happen start a grass-roots effort to try to push for it? If so, how tall will the grass grow? Only time will tell. Do I care? Not really. I like RSS fine as will keep using it as it is. I'm glad that Atom will provide an alternative to solve some of the issues with RSS. I may continue polishing Info Bite List to resolve issues where I disagree with the consensus in the Atom community. If RSS does go to the W3C and a better version is produced, that's great too.