Last night, I dreamed that I was in the backyard of the house where I grew up looking through a rack of Nintendo games. I was looking for a chess game (don't know that that was ever actually on Nintendo!) and some space game. I don't remember the name of it, and don't know whether it ws ever on Nintendo either--I just remember having tried it at the arcade once or twice and really being terrible at it.Later in the dream I was playing the space game, and the graphics were pretty lame. It was a 2-D side view, and my spaceship was just a single pixel line that was a little brighter at one end than the other. The ships I was trying to hit were about the same, only the lines were shorter. Soon, the game switched into 3-D mode, which looked a lot better.

I also found the chess game, but as things often do in dreams, it got a little twisted from the normal Nintendo look. It actually had a physical board, and no display on the TV (so I guess in the end, it wasn't Nintendo at all). The board had a lot more than 8 x 8 squares. I started playing a game with one of my younger brothers. After a few moves had been made, I realized that we were playing some form of checkers and not chess. Originally there had been no pieces on the board, but as we moved a stylus across the squares where the piece would originate and end up, checkers would appear on all the squares we moved the stylus across. After discovering this, I started tapping on one square with the stylus, and a whole pile of checkers and barrels (each worth maybe 10 checkers) piled up there. Each time I tapped, more checkers would appear based on the number that were already on that square.

I tried a little to change the game into chess mode, but never got it to do so.