If we begin from "info bite" and "info bite list", next we get "info bite reader", which abbreviates to "info biter", and finally ends up as a "biter" in common speech (like "world wide web browser", "web browser" and "browser"). "Info bite list" will probably end up shortened to "bite list".

So, what does "bite me" (or "info bite me" if you're feeling long winded) mean? Does it mean to send me some information via your info bite list, to which I am subscribed? Maybe "bite it to me" would be a good way to say that.

"Bite my list" would mean "subscribe to my newsfeed." Would "bite me" be short for that instead? That makes more sense to me, considering that for one to one communication like a request to send information implies, using email seems to make more sense. So yeah, "Bite it to me" is probably better for requesting info to be sent via an info bite list, for cases where that would be appropriate.