RSS (0.91+ and 2.0) and Info Bite List support the use of a "rating" element to rate a feed. The most common domain used in this element is PICS. I learned today that "PICS" does not refer to a particular rating system, but defines a method of specifying rating systems. Perhaps the most commonly used PICS-based rating system is RSAC, which defines four categories useful in determining suitability of content for particular audiences: violence, sex, nudity and language. While this system would be useful for some newsfeeds, there are other categories that would be useful to rate feeds on. Here is my initial brainstorm of a PICS-based system for newsfeeds.

Purpose of the feed:
Different newsfeeds (and the blogs that many of them come from) have different purposes. Some are meant to inform, others to entertain, and others have no purpose other than providing a place for the author to dump their thoughts. Several useful categories could cover the purpose of the feed. Each could be rated on a scale of 0 to 4. Categories might include: entertain, inspire, vent, inform, and teach. The difference between inform and teach is that inform deals with events and teach deals with concepts. Others could be added, but the list should be kept short--the category element of a feed would be a better place to make fine distinctions.

Nature of the feed:
Some feeds carry opinions, others facts (of course, what is a fact and what is an opinion is often open to debate!) Some are focused, and others random. Some are more personal than others. Categories such as "opinion", "focused", and "personal" could be used to describe those aspects of a feed.

Widespread use of a rating system like this would make searching for feeds to subscribe to easier. For example, if I'm interested in politics, but not political humor, I might search for "politics" in the category, and a high rating for "inform" and a low rating for "entertain". Depending on whether I'm interested in straight news or commentary, I could specify a rating for "opinion" too.

Reader Comment:
Antone Roundy said:
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It might even be useful to throw in a category like "conservative" or "liberal"...but which would you choose? For some categories, choosing a name could be difficult. Can you imagine trying to standardize on "pro-choice", "pro-life", "anti-choice" or "anti-abortion"?

I'll probably get started on a rating system sometime soon. Post a comment if you have an idea for a useful category.