The Chordata RSS and Atom newsfeed directory is offering a new service as of today called "Linkback". Website owners who would like to have their own newsfeed directory, but don't want to create or maintain one, can send their customers to Chordata, and have Chordata link back to them from each newsfeed page. The link can contain the feed URL and title, enabling one-click subscription, as if Chordata were fully integrated with the other website.

Priced at $30 per month, or $300 per year, the service is intended for use by for-profit businesses. Its main target is sites like web-based feed readers and feed display services (such as Jawfish, which converts RSS and Atom feeds to JavaScript feeds so that they can be displayed on any website).

[DISCLOSURE: Chordata and Jawfish are both owned and operated by Gecko Tribe, LLC.]