Okay, so the war isn't over yet, but the winner is going to be...not RSS 1.0, not RSS 2.0, and not Atom, but the user. In fact the user has already won, and will win more and more as the combatants improve and/or the tools for accessing them improve and/or more and better feeds become available. Just like military wars, the war between formats is unnecessary and stupid.

Meet the new boss
Same as the old boss

-- The Who, Won't Get Fooled Again

The average netizen doesn't care who's the boss. They just want to get on with their lives. While each format may have it's advantages over the others, all of them serve most consumers well enough that they really don't care which they get.

Can't we all just get along?
-- Rodney King

This isn't the RSSlamic Republic of the Internet, it's the United Formats of the Internet. Here, we don't indulge in formathnic cleansing, we coexist. You can love your neighbor whether they belong to the church of RDF, the church of Atom, or are RSS 2.0thiests.

When I said that the war is unnecessary, I suppose I wasn't being entirely accurate. Each format's believers do well to proselytize and extol the virtues of their faith. As more converts are gained (especially from the ranks of the genetically uninitiated), the world becomes a better place. There's nothing wrong with seeking to gain market share through excellence. But the personal acrimony between the faiths benefits no one. In fact, it injures innocent bystanders. It keeps people who could help promote the causes from getting involved, because they don't want to get mired in the battle.

Hopefully someday the war will be over, and everyone will win.